Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Looking for a great summer read?

Try one of the great new sci-fi books recommended by NPR. The list has everything from apocalyptic futures to mysterious planets, and of course zombies.

For the full list, check out http://www.npr.org/2012/06/19/155113890/summers-best-sci-fi-planets-politics-apocalypse.

So, do you know any great summer science reads? Share your favorites in the comments below, or tell me about them in your journal.

Happy reading!
~Ms Cooke


  1. I really love this post. So much of our class time has been devoted to coming up with ways to incorporate out-of-school literacies into the classroom, and this is an excellent idea. I would have loved it if my science teachers had recommended books to me.

  2. I agree. Teachers should continue to encourage students to read as I feel learning should always be an ongoing process. Yes, the summer should be a time, where students should relax and have fun, but they should be given ways by the teacher to continue their ongoing learning. Reading is a great way. As Magic Johnson said, reading is fundamental.

  3. Hey Ms.Cooke,did you see the news the other day about the man eating another man's face in Miami? Is there really going to be a zombie apocalyspe? Crazy!!!

    I like the options that you provide for students when it comes to summer readings. Students are more likely to read things they like instead of things they do not enjoy.

  4. I am glad you all liked this. I feel that some of the best books I read were recommended by my teachers. I am also looking for something new and interesting, and I thought that this would be a fun way to get my students to expand upon their knowledge base.
